Anxiety Dreams

We finally bought a new mattress a couple of weeks ago, but I don’t know whether my dreams since the purchase indicate that it has been an improvement for my sleep. According to the Sleep Foundation, we dream every night whether we remember our dreams or not. There is also a clear connection in our …

Savasana before Shabbat

I had a plan last night to take the kids to a big shopping mall with a surfing pool, playground, and fancy grocery store. Just as we were leaving, Danny got a text from our neighbor asking if the kids wanted to come over to finish watching the first Harry Potter movie. They started the …

Just breathe

All was calm this morning as the kids embarked on their 3rd day of school. We hope they have everything they need in their backpacks today. Deciphering the teacher emails and weekly school schedule is a full-time job for and Danny right now. We thought we understood everything for yesterday, but we missed a lot. …

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